Né à New Delhi, 1947
Vit et travaille à New Delhi
Peintre, graphiste et designer, Amitava a étudié au College of Art, New Delhi et fut en 1974 membre fondateur du ‘New Group’.
Depuis 2000, Amitava trace les cartes de voyages psychiques, les contours s’apparentent aux rythmes syncopés de séismographe. Sur divers supports, l'artiste commence son dessin sans thème préconçu, le processus créatif résulte alors des niveaux subconscients du mental. Une jungle de lignes épaisses noires et rouges domine alors sur ses œuvres.
Pendant son séjour en France en 2002 il crée quelques travaux abstraits purs sur des pages du British Daily et du Financial Times. Sans idée précise, l'artiste prend ses marqueurs et commence à accentuer et souligner les images et les textes verticalement et horizontalement pour produire, avec un nouveau langage visuel, des résultats oblitérants les messages sur lesquels il s'abandonne.
Depuis sa première exposition à la Kunika-Chemould Gallery, en 1969, Amitava a participé à plusieurs expositions personnelles et de groupe en Inde et à l'étranger. Ses oeuvres se trouvent dans les collections permanents telles que: Society of Contemporary Art, Londres; National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi; Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal; Punjab Museum, Chandigarh; Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi et de collections privées dont : M. V. Sanjay Kumar, Madras; M. Devender Sahani; Delhi Art Gallery, New Delhi.
Born in New Delhi, 1947
Lives and works in New Delhi
A painter and graphic designer, Amitava studied at the College of Art, New Delhi and was a founding member of "New Group", born in 1974.
Since 2000, Amitava has been drawing maps of psychic voyages, whose contours evoke the syncopated rhythms of a seismograph. The artist begins his drawings on various types of surfaces without any preconceived intention, the creative process emerging from the subconscious levels of the mind. A jungle of thick black and red lines dominates his work.
During his stay in France in 2002, he created several purely abstract works on the pages of the British Daily and Financial Times. With no precise idea, the artist uses his markers to accentuate and underline the images and texts horizontally and vertically to produce, using a new visual language, results that obliterate the messages he uses as a vehicle for his freestyle abandonment.
Since his first exhibit in the Kunika-Chemould Gallery in1969, Amitava has participated in several solo and group shows in India and abroad. His work is found in permanent collections such as: the Society of Contemporary Art, London; National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi; Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal; Punjab Museum, Chandigarh; Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi and private collections such as: M. V. Sanjay Kumar, Madras; M. Devender Sahani; Delhi Art Gallery, New Delhi.