Née à Buran, Ouest Bengale, 1971
Vit et travaille à New Delhi
Mithu Sen, jeune artiste polymorphe influente, pratique l’installation, la vidéo, la photographie et la peinture. Son œuvre, dense et variée, suggère qu'il n'y a aucune forme ou matière qu’elle ne puisse manipuler avec succès pour servir sa vision artistique.
Ses motifs récurrents pris sur et à l'intérieur du corps - cheveux, sang et os – analysent et mettent en doute la notion de sexualité féminine théorisée selon les paramètres masculins.
En associant leur expertise par le jeu de leur art pour créer une œuvre unique, Mithu et son frère, artiste designer Kumar Kanti Sen, renouvellent l’énergie et la synergie de la création artistique contemporaine. L’assemblage de techniques, supports, symboles, formes et textures offre un art qui casse les distinctions artificielles et normatives entre les disciplines que sont les beaux-arts et le design.
Born in Buran, West Bengal, 1971
Lives and works in New Delhi
Mithu Sen, a multitalented and influential young artist, practices installation, video, photography, and painting. Her dense, varied work suggests that there is no form or material she cannot handle successfully in the service of her artistic vision. Recurrent motifs taken from the surface and inside of the body – hair, blood, and bone – analyze and question the concept of feminine sexuality as theorized in accordance with masculine frameworks.
By combining their expertise through their art to create a unique work, Mithu and her brother, the artist and designer Kumar Kanti Sen, renew the energies and synergies of contemporary artistic creation. A combination of techniques, materials, symbols, forms, and textures propose an art that breaks the artificial and normative distinctions between the two disciplines of fine art and design.
Education :
PG Program (Visiting), Glasgow School of Art, RU, 2001
BA & M.F.A Painting, 1991-1997
Expositions personnelles :
‘’Half Full’’, Bose Pacia New York, 2007
Nature Morte, New Delhi, 2007
Horn Please, Kunst Museum, Bern, 2007
Tiger by the tail, Rose Museum, Boston, 2007
It’s Good to be Queen, Bose Pacia, New York 2006
Drawing room, Nature Morte & British Council, New Delhi 2006
Drawing room, Gallery Chemould, Mumbai 2006
I Hate Pink, Lakeeren Art Gallery, Mumbai, 2003
Unbelongings, Machintosh Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland, UK 2001
Can We Really Look Beyond The Map? Art India Style, New Delhi 2000
Expositions de groupe :
Indian Colour, Keumsan Gallery, Seul, Korea 2007 Making/Unmaking, Vadehra Art Gallery, New Delhi, 2007 Indian Art 111/111, Here and Now, Grosvenor Vadehra, London 2007;
Brazil, Art Basel Bose Pacia, Miami 2006;
Avatars of the object, The Guild Art Gallery, Mumbai, 2006 Metrospective: Visual Representations of Metrosexuality, Kitab Mahal, Mumbai, 2005
Tableaux Vivant, Nature Morte- Bose Pacia, New Delhi, 2004 Kaleidoscope, Square One Gallery, New York, 2004
Young contemporary from Shantiniketan Gallery Espace, New Delhi, 2002
Portrait of the Decades, CIMA, Kolkata, 2003
Emerging Trends, CIMA Art Gallery, Kolkata, 1999
Recompenses :
UNESCO ASHBERG scholarship for Brazil, 2005-06
Charles Wallace India Trust Award, UK 2000-01
Mithu Sen