Prabhakar Barwe (1936 – 1995)
Né en 1936 Nagaon, Maharashtra.
A vécu et travaillé à Bombay.
Diplômé de la J.J. School of Art, Bombay (1959).
Prabhakar Barwe est qualifié d’abstrait symboliste comme l’évoque le titre d’une de ses peintures de 1969, « Anatomy of a Mystic Star ».
Son œuvre est protéiforme, elle semble appartenir à une protohistoire. L’abstraction qui nous est donnée à voir n’est pas la nôtre. L’espace de la toile apparaît comme un lieu alternatif d’où émerge un polymorphisme spontané. Un espace mental semblable à un carnet de croquis. Carnet de croquis d’excursions dans les mondes de la figuration et de l’abstraction ; des rives rythmées de l’art tribal à celles hédonistes des arts décoratifs. La toile, le papier, serait un espace profane sur lequel l’artiste magicien disposerait selon un ordre dont lui seul semblerait comprendre la signification, formes, figures, traits et couleurs. Le but ne serait pas d’ordonner mais de disperser formes, figures, traits et couleurs pour que celles-ci, alors autonomes, gagnent en liberté et s’affranchissent.
A partir de 1961 il participe à de nombreuses expositions personnelles en Inde et a l’étranger dont :
5 International Young Artists Exhibition, Tokyo (1969).
Man and his world, Montreal, Canade (1969)
Indian Painters Galerie Coray, Zurich, Suisse (1970).
II, III, IV et V Triennales a New Delhi (1971, 1975, 1978 & 1982).
Biennale de Menton France, (1976).
Modern Indian painting exhibition, Hirshorn Museum, Washinhton, D.C (1983).
Asian-European Art Biennale, Yougoslavie.
IX Biennale, Valpariso, Chile, (1989).
Born in 1936, Nagaon, Maharashtra.
Lived and worked in Bombay.
Diplômé de la J.J. School of Art, Bombay (1959).
Prabhakar Barwe is known as an abstract symbolist, as suggested by the title of one of his paintings from 1969, "Anatomy of a Mystic Star". His work is protean, and seems to belong to protohistory. The abstraction before us is not our own. The space of the canvas seems like an alternative place from which emerges spontaneous polymorphism. A mental space similar to a sketchbook, a sketchbook of excursions in the worlds of representation and abstraction, rhythmic expressions of tribal art to the hedonistic rhytms of decorative artds. Canvas and paper represent a profane space which the magician artist organizes in an order where only he can understand the meaning, shapes, figures, lines, and colors. The goal is not to organize but rather to disperse shapes, lines and colors so that, asserting their Indiapendence, they gain their liberty and free themselves.
Beginning in 1961 he showed in many solo exhibits in India and abroad, including: 5 International Young Artists Exhibition, Tokyo (1969).
Man and his world, Montreal, Canada (1969)
Indian Painters Galerie Coray, Zurich, Switzerland (1970).
II, III, IV and V Trienniales of New Delhi (1971, 1975, 1978 & 1982).
Biennale de Menton France, (1976).
Modern Indian painting exhibition, Hirshorn Museum, Washington, D.C (1983).
Asian-European Art Biennale, Yugoslavia.
IX Biennale, Valpariso, Chile, (1989).
Collections :
Deutsche Bank Collection, Bombay. Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi. National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. Masanori Fukoka & Glenbarra Art Museum, Hemeji, Japan. Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal. Ben and Abbey Grey Foundation, USA.
Récompenses :
Yomiuri Shinbun, Tokyo (1969). Lalit Kal Akademi (1976)
Prabhakar Barwe