Né en 1966 au Kerala et basé à Delhi, Roy Thomas a participé à de nombreuses expositions, ses œuvres font partie de collections prestigieuses dont celles du Glenbarra Art Muséum, Fukuoka, Japon et NGMA, Delhi, Inde.
Connu pour ses représentations de la ‘vie réelle’, il interprète en peintre accompli nombre de sujets sociopolitiques Indiens mais aussi étrangers pour essayer de garder vivante l'époque dans laquelle il vit. Roy Thomas appartient à l’école de la ‘réalité virtuelle’ qui s’est largement développée au sein des jeunes artistes du Kerala.
Born in 1966 in Kerala and based in Delhi, Roy Thomas has participated in many exhibits and his works are found in prestigious collections such as the Glenbarra Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japon and NGMA, Delhi, India.
Known for his representations of "real life", this accomplished painter interprets many social and political topics from India but also from other countries to enliven the period he inhabits. Roy Thomas is a member of the "virtual reality" school which has become an important movement among young artists in Kerala.
MFA & BFA (peinture), College of Arts, Delhi, 1993
Expositions solo :
2006- ‘Projected Memories ... Fading Realities’, at ‘Arushi Arts’ New Delhi.
1999 - Kashi Art Café, Kochi, Kerala
1998 - Galleria Mareechika, Times House, Kochi, Kerala.
1998 - The Great Art Gallery, New Delhi.
1995 - Lalit Kala Ackademi, Rabindra Bhavan, New Delhi.
1993 - Treveni Kala Sangam, New Delhi.
Participations :
2007, Lalit Kala Academi, Rabindra Bhavan New Delhi.
2006- “A compensation for what has been lost“ New Delhi, HARVEST-2006”
New Delhi, “REAL-2006”Visual Art Gallery, India Habitat Center, New Delhi. “Spirit &Souls Festival”15th Korea-India Modern Art Exchange Exhibition, New Delhi. “Garden of Black Roses” Travancore palace, New Delhi, “Self & identity”, National Gallery of Modern Art, Maldives.
2005’-Double Enders’, Jahangeer art gallery, Mumbai, Vadhera art gallery, Delhi, Gallery sumukha, Bangalore, Darbar Hall kochi, ’ An ode to peace’, Art Junction, New Delhi, ´ Fly High my beloved Dreams’ a tribute to Ashokan Poduwal New Delhi, , ’ self and identity’, India habitat center, New Delhi, ‘60 years of Hiroshima’, Academy of arts , ‘Recent wishes and anxieties of six artists’, New Delhi.’ Being and belongings’ New Delhi,’ Ethnic Colours’ Group show by suryakanti at Durbar hall kochi, kerala, ‘People on progress’ New Delhi. Tsunami distress relief fund Art exhibition, Kochi, Kerala.
2004 – ‘Median’, Exhibition of painting and sculpture,New Delhi. ‘Making of India’, Exhibition organized by SAHAMAT,New Delhi. ‘Invasions” an exhibition by ‘ASK’, New Delhi.
2003 – National exhibition, Guhwati & Hydrabad, contacted by Lalit kala akademi, New Delhi.
2002 –‘Vriksholsav ‘-kashi art café. Kochi.
2001 - Birla Academy of arts, Mumbai. Suryakanthi Art Exhibition, Kovalam, Kerala
2000 – ‘Windows’, Contemporary Art Gallery Durbar Hall, Kochi, Kerala .’ ‘Small but significant’, Academy of Arts New Delhi.
1999 - Mira Center for Arts, New Delhi. ‘Edge Of The Century’, Art Today, New Delhi. ‘Masters Guild’ Rabindra Bhawan, New Delhi. Suryakanthi, Thiruvananthapuram.
1998 – ‘Artists for a Sustainable World’, Academy for Fine Arts and literature, New Delhi. State Exhibition, L.K.A Kochi, Kerala
1997 - “Gift for India” organized by SAHMAT, New Delhi. Birla Academy of Arts, Mumbai State Exhibition L.K.A Kochi, Kerala.
1996 –Indo-Cuban Lalit Kala Akademi New Delhi. Cuban Binnale, Cuba
1995 - ‘Postcard for Gandhi’ exhibition organized by SAHMAT in New Delhi, Mumbai, Baroda, Chennai, Ahmedabad and Calcutta
1993 - National Exhibition, Lalitha Kala Academy, New Delhi Clenbera Art Museum, Japan. College of Art’s 36th Annual Exhibition, New Delhi.
1992 - Doomimal Art Gallery, New Delhi. Summer Show at Gallery Espace, New Delhi College of Art’s 37th Annual Exhibition, New Delhi. 7th Yuva Kalamela, Sahithya Kala Parishad, New Delhi
1991 - Southern Regional Art Exhibition conducted by the Lalitha Kala Academi Regional Centre, Chennai.
1990 - Group show at Venketappa Art Gallery, Bangalore. Onam Festival Exhibition sponsored by KTCD, Kerala. State Exhibition L.K.A Kochi, Kerala
1989 - All India Exhibition, Samskarika Kendra, Ernakulam. Regional art Exhibition, Chennai.
1988 - Graphics ’88, College of Fine Arts, Thiruvananthapuram. State Exhibition L.K.A Kochi, Kerala
Roy Thomas