Née en 1943 à Delhi
Vit et travaille à New Delhi
Artiste accomplie, Shobha Broota recherche le divin dans l’expression pictorale simple et utilise les formes géométriques pour visualiser "l'Invisible". Le mouvement et l'énergie sont au coeur de son travail ou cercles et points sont faits pour converger vers un centre palpitant qui stimule et calme le spectateur.
Sa maîtrise de la géométrie, du dessin, de la couleur ainsi que des techniques utilisées est évidente ; une vraie mélodie des sphères naît des jeux de couleur, de lumière, de mouvement et de rythme.
« L'observation intelligente de tous les phénomènes naturels est la base de mon inspiration. Le rythme et la forme, la vibration et le mouvement qui résident en toutes choses sont devenus les éléments de mon expression. La beauté impressionnante qui m'entoure et m’engloutit à un effet sensoriel sur mon être, qu’intuitivement je traduis dans mon travail. » S.B.
Les deux huiles sur toile présentées ici : Origin 94, de 1992 et Round the Earth, de 2001, s’inscrivent formellement à mi-chemin entre les forces abstraites issues de l’art tantrique et l’expérimentation de l’illusion née de l’art cinétique.
Born in1943 in New Delhi
Lives and works in New Delhi
Shobha Broota has studied at the College of Art, New Delhi.
She has taught at Triveni Kala Sangam, New Delhi
In her pursuit of an accomplished expressive and artistic concept, Shobha Broota has tackled a number of subjects, mediums and styles. The simplicity of her work, her mastery of geometry, drawing, and color, as well as the techniques she uses, transport the viewer into another world. Shobha seeks the divine in a simple pictorial expression. She uses geometrical forms to visualize the "invisible" and thus introduce "the Divine".
« The keen observation of all natural phenomena is the basis of inspiration for my work. (…) The rhythm and pattern, the pulsation, the vibration and movement in all things have become ingredients for my expression. The awesome beauty that surrounds and engulfs me has a sensory effect on my being, which intuitively gets translated in my work… » S. B.
The two oils on canvas presented here: Origin 94, from 1992, and Round the Earth, from 2001, are formally located half-way between the abstract forces born of Tantric art and experimentation with optical illusion born of kinetic art.
The artist has exhibited in many solo and group shows throughout India and abroad since 1964.
Expositions solo :
‘Edge of Infinity’, Indigo Blue Art, Singapore (2007);‘Song of the Divine’, Palette Art Gallery, Delhi (2006); ‘Music of the Spheres’, Visual Art Gallery, Delhi and Birla Academy, Kolkata (2003); International Studio A.F.W.A, Fremantle, Australia (1997); Edith Cowen University, Perth (1997); ‘Retrospective of Prints’, Art Konsult, Delhi (1997); ‘Soul Catchers’ Rebecca Hossack Gallery, London (1992); Schoo’s Gallery, Amsterdam (1992)
Expositions collectives :
25 Contemporary Indian Artists, Moscow & Paris (2007); ‘Indian Colour’, Keumsan Gallery, Seoul, S. Korea (2007); Resonance, Fifty years of Lalit Kala Academy, Delhi (2005); Weaving Legacy, Lalit Kala Academy, Delhi (2005); Negotiating Matters, curated by Roobina Karode at Anant Art Gallery, Delhi (2005); Devotional Breach, curated by Peter Nagy, Sumukha Gallery, Bangalore (2004); Solitude, ‘The White Show’, Visual Art Gallery, Delhi (2003); Abstract Schematic, Nature Morte, Delhi (1999); ‘Small’, James Harvey, Sydney (1998); Symbolism and Geometry in Modern Art, NGMA, Delhi (1998); Chhoo Mantar’, Art Konsult, Delhi (1997, 2004); Abstract 95, CIMA, Calcutta; 1995: ‘Sothbeys auction’, London (1995); 100 Years of Indian Art, NGMA, Delhi (1994); ‘40 Indian Artists’, Tiazcala, Mexico (1994); Art for a Fairer World by Oxfam, Glasgow, Cardiff, London (1992); Balder Aus Indien, Hamburg; ‘Indische Gegenwarskunst’, Mainz, Germany and Stettin, Poland (1993);
9 Contemporary Indian Artists, Gemeentemuseum, Arnhem, Netherlands (1991); Malaysian Experience/ Malaysian Images, Kuala Lumpur (1990); Contemporary Prints, Melbourne (1990); Asian European Art Biennial, Ankara, Turkey (1990); Ambassador’s Choice, NGMA, Delhi (1990); Abstract Art, Gallery Art and Data, Frankfurt (1988); ‘Women Artists’, National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA), Delhi, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia (1986-87); 6th & 8th Triennial India, Delhi (1986, 1994); Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Tokyo (1984); International Women Artists, Delhi (1975)
Shobha Broota